Book A Call To Attend Sales Acceleration Summit

Sales Acceleration Summit is for Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Sales Professionals ready to close deals 50% faster, control every sale, and make their revenue predictable.

Schedule a time to meet with us. On our call, we'll review the details of the Summit and understand your business to ensure it is a good fit. Then we'll discuss the available ticket options and details.

Featured In:

"Brian taught me an entirely new way to sell. It worked, and it grew my business immediately. Working with Brian is game changing!"
Brian Shepherd
Brian Shepherd
Founder & CEO of BrandX Worldwide
"We've gained new clients and hundreds of thousands in revenue in a very short period of time working with Brian. Now, we're tapped in, tuned in, and on a clear path to our vision."
Chris Hayman & Michelle Delamor
CEO & President – Sonic Gods

Learn 20 Years of Research & Real-World Results In Just 3 Days

Brian Cristiano is one of the top business and success strategists in the world today. As a self-made entrepreneur, Brian has built multiple successful businesses, set the strategy for many Fortune 500's, scaled world-famous celebrity brands, is a sought after coach to founders and CEOs, and has developed one of the most modern and most successful sales methodologies in the past few decades.

When you attend the Sales Acceleration Summit, you will get nearly 30 hours of personal guidance from Brian in an intimate group setting. You'll learn, you'll participate, you'll work on your Unique Blueprint, and you'll be surrounded by other high-performing individuals and entrepreneurs. There is nothing like this anywhere else on the planet.


Your Path To Business Success Starts Right Now...